Tuesday, September 8, 2020


In my last post we have discussed the basic definition/meaning of Numeracy .
Now we will definitely talk about its importance and   WHY IS IT IMPORTANT TO LEARN THIS SKILL....and if not then how it will affect our life or we can say our daily life without this skill....

WHY is the problem of numeracy so hard to tackle?
Numeracy has been a problem for quite sometimes , the question we must ask ourselves ...are we stuck with the problem or there are ways to solve it...
Research shows that :::
● Fear of maths
● Lack of confidence 
● Dislike of classroom based teaching .
plays  a major role in preventing adults with poor numeracy skills.

There are evidence of low numeracy skills 
which are impacting economy; individuals earning/wages; employment; personal finances.
All economic studies shows numeracy is very important, when it comes to jobs
According to the SKILLS OF LIFE survey( National strategy in England) shows how low numeracy have been a long term problem for the U.K
Numeracy percentage in 2003 was 26% and 2011 was 22 % which is getting worse not better.
They have definitely comeup with practical approaches and targeting 95% skill level by 2020.

 OECD  (Organisation for economic co-operation and development) is an international organisation that works to build better policies for better lives and promote world trade and improve global economy has a survey regarding numeracy  and literacy skills .


As High Numeracy skills are better for ::



learning table of 9 in seconds.

This post is really interesting to write as we all must have struggled in our childhood while learning tables or youngs student must be .......