Friday, September 25, 2020

Vedic Mathematics

My first impression while writing about this topic was Vedic mathematics must be maths used during vedic period ....I think many will have such impression when u just read the topic...
VEDIC MATHEMATICS  is a book written by Indian monk Jagadguru Swami Sri Bharati Krishna Tirtha Sankaracarya of Govardhan Matha, Puri.
● His vast and versatile learning, his spiritual and educational attainments, his wonderful research achievements in the field of Vedic mathematics and his consecration of all these qualifications to the service of humanity as such. 

● His Holiness, better known among his disciples by the beloved name 'Jagadguru ' or ' Gurudev' , was born of highly learned and pious parent in March, 1884.

● Jagadguru, named as Venkatraman in his early days, was an exceptionally brilliant student and invariably won the first place in all the subjects throughout his educational career. He was awarded the title of ' SARASWATI' by the Madras sanskrit association in July, 1899.

● His public life under the guidance of late Hon'ble Sri Gopal krishna Gokhale , C.I.E in 1905 in connection with the National education Movement and the South African Indian issue. 

● His inclination towards Vedas was very much and the definition of Veda given by Sri Swami ji is.
" The very word 'VEDA' has this derivational meaning I.e. the FOUNTAINHEAD and ILLIMITABLE store house of all the knowledge "

The vedas are wellknown as four in number 
1. Rigveda 
2. Samaveda 
3. Yajurveda 
4. Atharvaveda 
And have four Upavedas and the Six Vedangas.

● Swami ji naturally regarded mathematics or the science of calculations and computation to fall under this category. The Sixteen sutras on which the vedic mathematics is based form part of a Parisista of the Atharvaveda. 

1. Ekadhikena purvena 
     Meaning::  By one more than the previous 
 Very useful in finding the products of number .
2. Nikhilam Navatashcaramam Dashatah
     Meaning:: All from 9 and last from 10
3. Urdhav-Tribhagyam
    Meaning:: Vertically and crosswise
4. Paravartya Yojayet
    Meaning:: Transpose and adjust 
5. Sunyam Samyasamuccaye
    Meaning:: When the sum is same .That the                              sum is zero.
6. Anurupye Sunyamanyat
     Meaning:: If one is in the ratio the other is               equal to zero. This also used to                                 solve algebraic equations. 
 7. Sankalana vyavakalanabhyam
     Meaning:: By addition and subtraction. Mainly                          used for algebraic equations. 
 8. Puranapuranabhyam
     Meaning:: By completion and non completion. 
 9. Chalana kalanabhyam
     Meaning:: Difference and similarity. Mainly                                used in calculus to find square                                  roots of quadratic equations. 
10. Yavadunam
      Meaning:: Whatever is the extent of its                                       deficiency .
11. Vyastisamastih
      Meaning:: Part and whole. 
12. Sesanyankena Caramena
      Meaning :: The remainder by last digit.
13. Sopantyadvayamantyam
       Meaning:: The ultimate and twice the                                          penultimate. 
14. Ekanyunena Purvena 
       Meaning:: By one less than the previous. 
15. Gunitasamuccayah
        Meaning:: The product of the sum is equal                                 to the sum of product 
16. Gunakasamuccayah 
        Meaning:: The factor of the sum is equal to                               the factors.

Swami ji wants " Mathematics without tears " and using these sutras your mental calculations will definitely increase and u don't have to learn squares or use long traditional methods of multiplication and division and much more......

 Keep smiling and keep learning..😊😊😊

learning table of 9 in seconds.

This post is really interesting to write as we all must have struggled in our childhood while learning tables or youngs student must be .......