Wednesday, September 2, 2020


What is NUMERACY......

Why INDIA aims to achieve universal fundamental numeracy by 2025......
These are question which will definitely strike in ur mind with new education policy which has changed the whole prospective of Indian education.
So here we present Numeracy which is integral part of our life.....
NUMERACY is the skill / ability to use numbers and mathematical approaches in all aspects of life not just doing simple addition and subtraction but is very important for individuals to develop logical thinking and reasoning strategies  in their every day life(from new born to professional).
Basic Skills::
Addition, Subtraction,counting ,sorting ,recognising shapes , using comparative ( short and tall), or superlative(shortest and tallest).etc..
Interpret data, charts, graphs...
Make sense of numbers , time, patterns , reading receipts , paying Bills etc...
-Ask open ended question.
-Use manipulatives
-Use hands on 
-Think about thinking 
-Personalise your child 's learning experiences.
-Make your child involve in day to day household or anything u do.
    For example
Give me two tomatoes. 
Change ur tone while using big or small, empty or full etc.
I hope now we can understand our National Mission of Numeracy according to new education policy and its importance. 
 Keep smiling...
Keep using your numeracy skills and educating our future generations......😊😊

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learning table of 9 in seconds.

This post is really interesting to write as we all must have struggled in our childhood while learning tables or youngs student must be .......